Market Reports

Dexter Livestock Commission Dexter Livestock Commission

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Dexter Livestock Commission Dexter Livestock Commission

Fleshy Cows

1600-1800lbs $95-$101

1400-1500lbs $92-$98

1200-1300lbs $90-$97

Thin Cows

1400-1600lbs $85-$94

1200-1300lbs $80-$89

1000-1100lbs $75-$85

800-900lbs $58-$70


1400-1800lbs $105-$115

400wt strs $265-$300 hfrs $245-$268

500wt strs $235-$273 hfrs $220-$245

600wt strs $215-$243 hfrs $200-$215

Great Market this week ! Happy thanksgiving

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Dexter Livestock Commission Dexter Livestock Commission

Fleshy Cows

1600-1800lbs $93-$101

1400-1500lbs $90-$98

1200-1300lbs $87-$96

Thin Cows

1400-1600lbs $85-$92

1200-1300lbs $80-$90

1000-1100lbs $75-$86

Slow Cows

1300-1400lbs $20-$68

1000-1200lbs $15-$64


1400-1800lbs $95-$115

300wt strs $285-$310 hfrs $265-$290

400wt strs $260-$286 hfrs $248-$260

500wt strs $235-$252 hfrs $220-$237

600wt strs $225-$243 hfrs $210-$237

Packer cows cheaper in places mainly on Fleshy cows . Calves were $4-$5 cheaper in places depending on weigh up shot program.

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Dexter Livestock Commission Dexter Livestock Commission

Fleshy Cows

1600-1800lbs $98-$113

1400-1500lbs $94-$107

1200-1300lbs $90-$103

Thin Cows

1400-1600lbs $85-$98

1200-1300lbs $83-$96

1000-1100lbs $75-$88

Slow Cows

1300-1400lbs $20-$72

1000-1200lbs $15-$68


1400-1800lbs $95-$120

300wt strs $285-$310 Hfrs $275-$292

400wt strs $270-$304 Hfrs $255-$283

500wt strs $235-$260 Hfrs $225-$242

600wt strs $215-$245 Hfrs $205-$220

Market was higher in places depending on shots and condition of calves . Lower on fresher fat calves . Cow market steady on thin cows and slow cows but higher on fleshy big cows this week.

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Dexter Livestock Commission Dexter Livestock Commission

Fleshy Cows

1600-1800lbs $95-$106

1400-1500lbs $93-$104

1200-1300lbs $90-$100

Thin Cows

1400-1600lbs $87-$96

1200-1300lbs $83-$93

1000-1100lbs $75-$90

Slow Cows

1300-1400lbs $20-$72

1000-1200lbs $15-$65


1400-1800lbs $98-$117

300wt strs $285-$318 Hfrs $275-$300

400wt strs $250-$270 Hfrs $230-$252

500wt Strs $220-$246 Hfrs $210-$230

600wt Strs $210-$225 Hfrs $195-$215

Market was higher across the board this week . $3-$8 on cows in places $5-$10 on calves

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Dexter Livestock Commission Dexter Livestock Commission

Fleshy Cows

1600-1800lbs $92-$100

1400-1500lbs $91-$97

1200-1300lbs $89-$95

Thin Cows

1400-1600lbs $88-$93

1200-1300lbs $84-$92

1000-1100lbs $75-$89

Slow Cows

1300-1400lbs $20-$74

1000-1200lbs $15-$68


1400-1800lbs $95-$115

400wt strs $255-$280 Hfrs $240-$260

500wt strs $225-$249 Hfrs $205-$222

600wt strs $200-$218 Hfrs $190-$208

Market was cheaper on calves this week with a major move on the feeder board $8-$15 cheaper. Cows were steady with fat cows $3-$5 cheaper depending on the fill. Thinner feeder cows steady to higher in a few a places.

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Dexter Livestock Commission Dexter Livestock Commission

Fleshy Cows

1600-1800lbs $94-$106

1400-1500lbs $92-$104

1200-1300lbs $90-$98

Thin Cows

1400-1600lbs $88-$97

1200-1300lbs $82-$94

1000-1100lbs $75-$89

Slow Cows

1300-1400lbs $20-$75

1000-1200lbs $15-$70

Sold Some no mouth Bred cows weighing 1150lbs between $1100-$1225


1400-1800lbs $92-$112

400wt strs $260-$285 Hfrs $250-$280

500wt strs $245-$265 Hfrs $220-$240

600wt strs $225-$240 Hfrs $205-$220

Steady Market on cows . Bulls were cheaper . Calves softer in a few spots.

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Dexter Livestock Commission Dexter Livestock Commission

Fleshy Cows

1600-1800lbs $98-$108

1400-1500lbs $97-$106

1200-1300lbs $95-$104

Thin Cows

1400-1600lbs $87-$100

1200-1300lbs $84-$95

1000-1100lbs $80-$92

Slow Cows

1300-1400lbs $20-$77

1000-1200lbs $15-$73


1400-1800lbs $105-$115

Fairly uneven market this week . Great Packer Market this week we got back the money from last week . Calf market was steady.

400-500wt strs $260-$285 hfrs $235-$270

500-600wt strs $236-$266 hfrs $210-$235

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Dexter Livestock Commission Dexter Livestock Commission

Fleshy Cows

1600-1800lbs $94-$107

1400-1500lbs $90-$104

1200-1300lbs $88-$98

Thin Cows

1400-1600lbs $80-$90

1200-1300lbs $74-$84

1000-1100lbs $70-$80

Slow Cows

1300-1400lbs $25-$75

1000-1200lbs $20-$70

400wt strs $255-$285 Hfrs $235-$255

500wt strs $230-$262 Hfrs $222-$242

600wt strs $220-$241 Hfrs $200-$234

700wt strs $215-$224

Market took an adjustment this week with packer cow demand decreasing with numbers growing across Texas. South Texas drought conditions causing a bigger sell off. But with rain maybe Demand will increase this week . Calf market cheaper also with demand decreasing do to crowded pens through the Texas and midwest and the board taking a hit this week . Pray for more moisture !

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Dexter Livestock Commission Dexter Livestock Commission

Fleshy Cows

1600-1800lbs $103-$114

1400-1500lbs $97-$109

1200-1300lbs $95-$104

Thin Cows

1400-1600lbs $87-$100

1200-1300lbs $80-$95

1000-1100lbs $75-$84

Slow Cows

1300-1400lbs $15-$70

1000-1200lbs $10-$65


1700-2000lbs $115-$120

1500-1700lbs $110-$117


400wt strs $265-$291 Hfrs $255-$274

500wt strs $250-$274 Hfrs $230-$245

600wt strs $230-$252

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Dexter Livestock Commission Dexter Livestock Commission

Fleshy Cows

1600-1800lbs $105-$114

1400-1500lbs $103-$112

1200-1300lbs $100-$109

Thin Cows

1400-1600lbs $95-$105

1200-1300lbs $90-$102

1000-1100lbs $80-$93

Slow Cows

1300-1400lbs $20-$80

1000-1200lbs $15-$77


1700-2000lbs $112-$124

1300-1600lbs $105-$118

Very great market this week . Cow market higher on the fleshy cows. Calves were steady with a great run of quality this week . Market was uneven depending on shots and condition of calves . Expecting several loads of fancy ranch calves next week . Come see us

300-400wt strs $300-$328 Hfrs $285-$311

400-500wt strs $280-$312 Hfrs $255-$276

500-600wt strs $255-$280 Hfrs $240-$264

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Dexter Livestock Commission Dexter Livestock Commission

Fleshy Cows

1600-1800lbs $103-$111

1400-1500lbs $100-$109

1200-1300lbs $98-$110

Thin Cows

1400-1600lbs $85-$99

1200-1300lbs $80-$95

1000-1100lbs $75-$91

Slow Cows

1300-1400lbs $20-$77

1000-1200lbs $15-$72


1700-2000lbs $120-$125

1300-1600lbs $112-$121

Great market this week packer cow steady to higher in the middle. Calves were very uneven again this week but great quality . Will have 175 Bred Cows this next week 7-8 years old very fancy. Start Calving January through mid March.

350-450lb strs $295-$320 hfrs $270-$308

450-550lbs strs $280-$300 hfrs $235-$267

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Dexter Livestock Commission Dexter Livestock Commission

Fleshy Cows

1600-1800lbs $103-$112

1400-1500lbs $100-$108

1200-1300lbs $98-$105

Thin Cows

1400-1600lbs $92-$101

1200-1300lbs $87-$96

1000-1100lbs $83-$93

Slow Cows

1300-1400lbs $25-$78

1000-1200lbs $20-$70


1700-2000lbs $123-$133

1500-1700lbs $115-$127

Had a very eneven set of calves this week all shapes and sizes. The heart of the cattle were 500-600wt strs $255-$280 500-600wt hfrs $235-$271. Great demand on Packer cows fat cows steady with thin cows $5-$6 higher in places . Pray for rain. Sale will start at 10:00 for the rest of the year.

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Dexter Livestock Commission Dexter Livestock Commission

Fleshy Cows

1600-1800lbs $105-$112

1400-1500lbs $100-$108

1200-1300lbs $97-$105

Thin Cows

1400-1600lbs $85-$97

1200-1300lbs $80-$92

1000-1100lbs $75-$83

Slow Cows

1300-1400lbs $15-$68

1000-1200lbs $10-$63


1800-2000lbs $118-$126

1500-1700lbs $115-$121

Calf mkt was steady prices vary on quality, condition and fill.

400-500wt strs $275-$290 hfrs $255-$275

500-600wt strs $260-$280 hfrs $240-$255

600-700wt strs $240-$261 hfrs $220-$240

700-800wt strs $210-$223 N/T

Packer cow market softer on thinner cows but great demand on fleshy cows. Finally blessed with some rain . Everyone have a great holiday weekend and come see us next Tuesday, Our Sale Day.

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Dexter Livestock Commission Dexter Livestock Commission

Fleshy Cows

1600-1800lbs $102-$110

1400-1500lbs $100-$108

1200-1300lbs $98-$106

Thin Cows

1400-1600lbs $90-$98

1200-1300lbs $85-$93

1000-1100lbs $75-$86

Slow Cows

1300-1400lbs $15-$64

1000-1200lbs $10-$60


1700-2000lbs $117-$129.50

1500-1700lbs $113-$125

Steers Heifers

300-400lbs $290-$330 $240-$311

400-500lbs $260-$295 $260-$285

500-600 $250-$275 $245-$268

600-700lbs $221-$253 $220-$245

Great market this week . Calves higher across the board with packer cows cheaper in spots mainly the thinner cows,

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Dexter Livestock Commission Dexter Livestock Commission

Fleshy Cows

1600-1800lbs $100-$113

1400-1600lbs $97-$111

1200-1400lbs $95-$104

Thin Cows

1400-1600lbs $88-$98

1200-1400lbs $84-$96

1000-1200lbs $80-$90

Slow Cows

1300-1400lbs $15-$75

1000-1200lbs $10-$65


1700-1900lbs $120-$127

1500-1700lbs $115-$124

Steers Heifers

400-500strs $250-$285 $240-$263

500-600lbs $230-$265 $215-$240

600-700lbs $220-$245 $200-$236

Great run this week with steady market . Packer cows a little cheaper in places but calves were steady. Pray for rain !

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Dexter Livestock Commission Dexter Livestock Commission

Fleshy Cows

1500-1800lbs $105-$114

1400-1500lbs $102-$110

1200-1400lbs $99-$107

Thin Cows

1400-1600lbs $90-$101

1200-1400lbs $85-$96

1000-1200lbs $75-$86

Slow Cows

1300-1400lbs $15-$69

1000-1200lbs $10-$64


1500-1800lbs $120-$127.50

Great Market this week! Light run of calves but the top of the market was good. 400wt strs $270-$302 500wt strs $245-$280 400wt hfrs $240-$275 500wt hfrs $220-$240

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Dexter Livestock Commission Dexter Livestock Commission

Fleshy Cows

1500-1700lbs $104-$110

1300-1500lbs $100-$109

1000-1100lbs $100-$106

Thin Cows

1400-1600lbs $92-$102

1200-1300lbs $85-$98

1000-1100lbs $80-$95

Slow Cows

1300-1400lbs $15-$75

1000-1200lbs $15-$67


1400-1800lbs $105-$118

Great run of packer cows this week with a steady market. Light run of calves 500wt strs $230-$265 / hfrs $220-$246 600wt strs $225-$246/ hfrs $210-$225. Calves were very uneven on condition, quality and fill. Some open hfrs weighing 1150lbs at $1700 per hd . We continue to pray for rain and hopefully its coming !!

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Dexter Livestock Commission Dexter Livestock Commission

Fleshy Cows

1500-1700lbs $103-$113.50

1300-1500lbs $100-$110

1000-1100lbs $98-$105

Thin Cows

1400-1500lbs $85-$98

1200-1300lbs $82-$95

1000-1100lbs $78-$91

Slow Cows

1300-1400lbs $20-$70

1000-1200lbs $16-$65

Bulls N/T

Steers Heifers

400-500lbs $240-$285 $225-$256

500-600lbs $225-$272 $215-$240

600-700lbs $210-$235 $200-$225

700-800lbs $190-$220 N/T

Great packer cow market this week with some very nice cows. Calf market was steady. All livestock prices vary on condition, quality and fill. Come see us and pray for rain!

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Dexter Livestock Commission Dexter Livestock Commission

Fleshy Cows

1700-1850lbs $101-$109

1500-1700lbs $100-$108

1200-1400lbs $98-$106

Thin Cows

1400-1500lbs $85-$98

1200-1300lbs $83-$95

1000-1100lbs $80-$90

Slow Cows

1300-1400lbs $20-$75

1000-1200lbs $15-$70


1400-1700lbs $110-$123

Calves were uneven in quality and condition but great demand. Market was steady.

400-500lbs strs $240-$285 Hfrs $225-$265

500-600lbs Strs $220-$274 Hfrs $210-$245

600-700lbs Strs $200-$240

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