Market Reports

Dexter Livestock Commission Dexter Livestock Commission

Fleshy Cows

1600-1800lbs $82-$90

1400-1600lbs $80-$89

Thin Cows

1400-1500lbs $55-$74

1200-1400lbs $40-$65

Slow Cows

1200-1300lbs $20-$40

1000-1200lbs $15-$40

Beef Cows

1000-1200lbs $78-$85

thin older cows $55-$70


1600-1800lbs $91-$110

Steers Heifers

300-400lbs $200-$226 $170-$193

400-500lbs $191-$211 $166-$186

600-700lbs $160-$174 $140-$155

700-800lbs $150-$156 $135-$143

Great market on calves . Very uneven packer cow market based on flesh, quality, and health . Fall is here and we are ready to market your cattle. Call us if u have any questions .

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Dexter Livestock Commission Dexter Livestock Commission

Fleshy Cows

1600-1800lbs $85-$90

1400-1600lbs $80-$87

Thin Cows

1400-1500lbs $70-$80

1200-1400lbs $67-$74

Slow Cows

1200-1300lbs $45-$65

1000-1200lbs $20-$55

Beef Cows

1200-1400lbs $84-$89

1000-1200lbs $71-$83


1600-1800 lbs $95-$110

1300-1500lbs $88-$101

Steers Heifers

300-400lbs $205-$221 $190-$197

400-500lbs $190-$205 $175-$186

500-600lbs $170-$195 $160-$180

600-700lbs $160-$185 $145-$155

700-800lbs $150-$158 N/T

Great sale and market this week . Expecting 300 good beef calves off the cow with shots at branding .

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Dexter Livestock Commission Dexter Livestock Commission

Fleshy Cows

1600-1800lbs $82-$91

1400-1600lbs $80-$89

Beef Cows

1200-1300lbs $85-$92

Thin Cows

1400-1500lbs $75-$82

1200-1400lbs $70-$80

Slow Cows

1200-1300lbs $35-$55

1000-1200lbs $20-$52

Bulls N/T



Steers Heifers

300-400lbs $1.90-$2.25 $1.75-$1.91

400-500lbs $1.95-$2.15 $1.60-$1.85

500-600lbs $1.85-$2.00 $1.64-$1.73

Great Market with lots of good rain last week. Cow market very good demand . Calf mkt moving upward with some rain covering lots of area ! Remember calves with an IBR and 7way shot will bring more money !! All prices this week were fresh calves straight off the cow.

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Dexter Livestock Commission Dexter Livestock Commission

Fleshy Cows

1600-1800lbs $80-$86

1400-1600lbs $77-$85

Thin Cows

1400-1500lbs $70-$79

1200-1400lbs $68-$76

Slow Cows

1200-1300lbs $20-$55

1000-1200lbs $10-$30


1200-1600lbs $85-$97

Bred Cows

2nd Trimester $900-$1185

1st Trimester $850-$1000

Steers Heifers

300-400lbs $195-$214 $176-$183

400-500lbs $178-$200 $165-$176

500-600lbs $170-$185 $145-$165

600-700lbs $145-$165 N/T

Sold a nice set of 1/2 blood hfr calves

30 strs 345lbs $165 25hfrs 350lbs $150

Great sale with lots of variation in quality . Prices vary on quality, condition and fill. Hope everyone is blessed with some rain. Would love to pay our respects to Walter Hall and Gary Lewis . Two great Cowboys and Cattlemen that will be missed in the livestock industry .

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Dexter Livestock Commission Dexter Livestock Commission

Fleshy Cows

1600-1800lbs $79-$86

1400-1600lbs $77-$84

Thin Cows

1400-1500lbs $70-$77

1200-1400lbs $62-$73

Slow Cows

1200-1300lbs $25-$50

1000-1200lbs $15-$40

Bulls N/T

Steers Heifers

300-400lbs $200-$211 $187-$198

400-500lbs $180-$197 $167-$181

500-600lbs $170-$186 $155-$168

600-700lbs $160-$172 N/T

700-800lbs $147-$153 $137-$143

Great market with a few rains!

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Dexter Livestock Commission Dexter Livestock Commission

Fleshy Cows

1600-1800lbs $77-$85

1400-1600lbs $75-$81

Thin Cows

1400-1500lbs $68-$77

1200-1400lbs $64-$74

Slow Cows

1200-1300lbs $25-$55

1000-1200lbs $15-$35



Steers Heifers

300-400lbs N/T

400-500lbs $1.84-$1.94 $1.65-$1.74

500-600lbs $1.70-$1.85 $1.55-$1.64

600-700lbs $1.56-$1.74 $1.48-$1.58

700-800lbs N/T $1.35-$1.50

Great Market this week with a good push on the calves !

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Dexter Livestock Commission Dexter Livestock Commission

Fleshy Cows

1600-1800lbs $74-$80

1400-1600lbs $70-$77

Thin Cows

1400-1500lbs $67-$74

1200-1400lbs $62-$70

Slow Cows

1200-1300lbs $20-$45

1000-1200lbs $15-$25


1600-1800lbs $84-$88

1400-1600lbs $77-$84

Steers Heifers

300-400lbs N/T $1.67-$1.80

400-500lbs $1.80-$1.92 $1.50-$1.64

500-600lbs $1.60-$1.86 $1.36-$1.56

600-700lbs $1.40-$1.58 N/T

A big thanks to everyone who brought us some cattle ! The cow mkt is still struggling but maybe it will rain! Do not forget our 4-h and FFA kids as the county fairs begin. These kids are gonna be apart of the solution in this crazy world ! Teach them to work hard, fight for our freedoms and to thank the Lord above for the blessings we do have.

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Dexter Livestock Commission Dexter Livestock Commission

Fleshy Cows

1600-1800lbs $74-$80

1400-1500lbs $73-$78

Thin Cows

1400-1500lbs $60-$74

1200-1400lbs $57-$72

Slow Cows

1200-1300lbs $25-$55

1000-1200lbs $15-$40



Steers Heifers

300-400lbs $190-$202 $165-$1.80

400-500lbs $175-$194 $155-$167

500-600lbs $155-$182 $140-$157

600-700lbs $140-$160 $135-$154

Sorry for the delay been busy catching up. Big changes in the Packer Cow mkt this week. Lots of cows being sold due to drastic drought conditions .

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Dexter Livestock Commission Dexter Livestock Commission

Fleshy Cows

1600-1800lbs $80-$90

1400-1600lbs $78-$88

Thin Cows

1400-1500lbs $70-$78

1200-1400lbs $66-$75

Slow Cows

1200-1300lbs $35-$55

1000-1200lbs $20-$45


1600-1800lbs $105-$110

1500-1600lbs $98-$108

Shorter run this week lite on calves ! Great mkt on packer cows and bulls. There will be no sale on July 5 .

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Dexter Livestock Commission Dexter Livestock Commission

Fleshy Cows

1600-1800lbs $83-$88

1400-1600lbs $79-$86

Thin Cows

1400-1500lbs $69-$79

1200-1400lbs $63-$75

Slow Cows

1200-1300lbs $35-$55

1000-1200lbs $20-$45

Steers Heifers

300-400lbs $190-$211 $165-$176

400-500lbs $180-$192 $150-$165

500-600lbs $159-$180 $140-$152

600-700lbs $145-$157 $135-$142

Market is based on quality, condition and fill. Come see us, try our market and free lunch.

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Dexter Livestock Commission Dexter Livestock Commission

Fleshy Cows

1600-1800lbs $81-$86.50

1400-1600lbs $78-$85

Thin Cows

1400-1500lbs $67-$75

1200-1400lbs $62-$72

Slow Cows

1200-1300lbs $35-$55

1000-1200lbs $20-$45

Beef Cows

1300-1500lbs $83-$87

1000-1200lbs $75-$82


1800-2000lbs $100-$105

1600-1800lbs $95-$99

Steers Heifers

300-400lbs N/T

400-500lbs N/T $1.50-$1.65

500-600lbs $1.55-$1.70 $1.47-$1.55

600-700lbs $1.40-$1.59 $1.39-$1.47

700-800lbs $1.41-$1.53 N/T

Great Market with some bigger cattle !

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Dexter Livestock Commission Dexter Livestock Commission

Fleshy Cows

1600-1800lbs $75-$82

1400-1600lbs $70-$78

Thin Cows

1400-1500lbs $60-$73

1200-1400lbs $55-$68

Slow Cows

1200-1300lbs $30-$50

1000-1100lbs $20-$45

Beef Cows

1350-1500lbs $75-$81

1200-1350lbs $72-$78


1800-2000lbs $97-$101

1600-1800lbs $93-$98

1200-1400lbs $83-$92

Steers Heifers

300-400lbs $1.85-$2.03 $1.60-$1.70

400-500lbs $1.65-$1.88 $1.45-$1.64

500-600lbs $1.50-$1.70 $1.35-$1.50

600-700lbs $1.35-$1.47 $1.30-$1.40

700-800lbs N/T $1.25-$1.35

Market based on quality, condition and fill. Have a happy holiday!

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Dexter Livestock Commission Dexter Livestock Commission

Fleshy Cows

1600-1800lbs $74-$80

1400-1600lbs $73-$78

Beef Cows

1200-1350lbs $76-$80 (good condition)

Thin Cows

1400-1500lbs $67-$74

1200-1400lbs $65-$72

Slow Cows

1200-1300lbs $25-$55

1000-1100lbs $20-$45


1800-2000lbs $96-$100

1500-1700lbs $90-$98

Steers Heifers

300-400lbs $1.90-$2.10 $1.60-$1.76

400-500lbs $1.62-$1.92 $1.54-$1.67

500-600lbs $1.57-$1.80 $1.40-$1.58

600-700lbs $1.35-$1.57 $1.25-$1.47

700-800lbs $1.32-$1.44 N/T

Great run of calves and cows ! Waiting on a big rain so we can enjoy the summer !!

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Dexter Livestock Commission Dexter Livestock Commission

Fleshy Cows

1600-1800lbs $75-$80

1400-1600lbs $72-$78

Thin Cows

1400-1500lbs $70-$75

1200-1400lbs $65-$72

Slow Cows

1200-1300lbs $25-$55

1000-1100lbs $20-$50


1800-2000lbs $95-$100

1500-1700lbs $85-$95

Steers Heifers

300-400lbs N/T

400-500lbs $1.60-$1.82 $1.40-$1.66

500-600lbs $1.35-$1.72 $1.30-$1.45

600-700lbs $1.30-$1.50 $1.25-$1.35

700-800lbs N/T

A few more crossbred calves this week and thinner cows!

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Dexter Livestock Commission Dexter Livestock Commission

Fleshy Cows

1600-1800lbs $74-$81

1400-1600lbs $70-$77

Thin Cows

1400-1500lbs $67-$74

1200-1400lbs $62-$70

Slow Cows

1200-1300lbs $35-$55

1000-1100lbs $20-$50


1800-2000lbs $98-$105

1500-1700lbs $95-$100

1000-1200lbs $85-$90

Light run of calves this week of all sizes and classes but not tested well . Cow prices were down $5-$10 at the packers due to an increase number of range cows . Drought conditions are getting worse forcing people to sell. Hope to see everyone next week! Pray for RAIN

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Dexter Livestock Commission Dexter Livestock Commission

Fleshy Cows

1600-1800lbs $80-$85.50

1400-1600lbs $77-$82

Thin Cows

1400-1500lbs $70-$79

1200-1400lbs $67-$76

Slow Cows

1000-1300lbs $20-$55



Steers Heifers

400-500lbs $1.83-$1.97 N/T

500-600lbs $1.71-0-$1.87 $1.45-$1.61

600-700lbs $1.45-$1.61 $1.46-$1.50

700-800lbs $1.40-$1.50 $1.30-$1.40

All prices vary on quality, condition and fill!

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Dexter Livestock Commission Dexter Livestock Commission

April 5

Fleshy Cows

1700-1800lbs $77-$83

1450-1600lbs $75-$80

Thin cows

1400-1500lbs $68-$76

1200-1350lbs $65-$72

Slow Cows

1000-1300 lbs $25-$50

Very small number of beef calves this last week but will have 2 loads of good weaned cattle April 19. Weighing from 600-800lbs !

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Dexter Livestock Commission Dexter Livestock Commission

Fleshy Cows

1700-1850lbs $77-$88

1450-1600lbs $75-$83

Thin Cows

1400-1500lbs $70-$78

1200-1350lbs $68-$75

Slow Cows

1100-1300lbs $25-$55

Bulls N/T

Steers Heifers

400-500lbs $175-$194 N/T

500-600lbs $170-$1.81 $135-$156

600-700lbs $156-$162 N/T

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Dexter Livestock Commission Dexter Livestock Commission


1600-1800lbs. $80-$87

1400-1600lbs. $77-$85


1300-1400lbs. $74-$79

1200-1300lbs. $70-$75


1000-1200lbs. $25-$55



300-400lbs. $192-$219. $175-$182

400-500lbs. $180-$194. $150-$160

500-600lbs. $150-$180. $145-$152

600-700lbs. $150-$162. $135-$150

700-800lbs. $135-$145. $130-$142

Nice set of thin grass cattle and hfrs off wheat. Prices vary on quality and fill. Pray for rain or snow. Sorry its late tech issues.

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Dexter Livestock Commission Dexter Livestock Commission

Market Report March 1

(Average Prices )

Fleshy Cows

1700-1800lbs $78-$86.50

1400-1600lbs $76-$84

Thin Cows

1200-1400lbs $67-$77

Slow Cows

1000-1200lbs $30-$55


1800-2000lbs $98-$1.05

1500-1700lbs $97-$1.01


Steers Heifers

300-400lbs $1.90-$2.01 $1.60-$1.77

400-500lbs $1.70-$1.94 $1.50-$1.67

500-600lbs $1.50-$1.78 $1.45-$1.59

600-700lbs $1.40-$1.64 $1.40-$1.50

700-800lbs $1.30-$1.44 $1.35-$1.43

Prices vary depending on quality ,condition, and fill.

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